How do I place an order?
Place an order in 3 simple steps!
1. Make your selection from the list provided under "Order".
2. From your shopping cart, hit "checkout".
3. You will receive an email confirmation of availability from one of our Indulge Concierge Services reps!
Please note that your villa name and destination should be provided under "Address" when filling out shipping information. Use postal code 00000 for Jamaica.
Remember to keep "My billing address is the same as my shipping address" box ticked, as your actual billing address is not required at this stage!
No order is final until you receive confirmation!
What happens if my choice is not available?
From time to time some wines and specific vintages may not be available on the island. If this is the case an Indulge Concierge Services rep is able to suggest an alternative that is both available and comparable to your initial choice.
How far in advance of my arrival do I place my order?
In order to avoid disappointment, please submit orders at least 7 days prior to arrival.
Am I able to re-order during my stay?
Of course! However, please note that it may not be same day delivery and your choices may be limited at short notice. Naturally, we will do all that we can to accommodate your requests.
Do you deliver to all villas across Jamaica?
Currently we only provide this service to the villas located along the north coast of the island (Tryall, Roundhill, Montego Bay, Spring Farm, Silver Sands, Discovery Bay, Runaway Bay and Ocho Rios). However, it may be possible for special arrangements to be made if you are staying elsewhere.
Secure Ordering & Payment
Once the availability of your order has been confirmed you will be asked to fill out a credit card authorization form providing your payment details, and date of arrival. A copy of your credit card receipt will be provided with your order to your villa prior to your arrival.
Returns & Refunds
Because of the nature of the product, we are not able to offer returns or refunds on items purchased.